Organisation: AXA & Road Safety Analysis
Date uploaded: 19th September 2013
Date published/launched: August 2013
The data in the Index relates specifically to roads within a 500 metre radius around British schools. It has been collated to help local authorities, parents, teachers and drivers have a better understanding of the road risks in specific local areas.

Figures take into account all incidents regardless of whether they were in school term times or not. They also incorporate both child and adult casualties. The child casualty numbers do not necessarily mean children who belong to that particular school, as they could be residents or children passing through the area.
The Index has been collated to help local authorities, parents, teachers and drivers have a better understanding of the road risks in specific local areas. The data looks at all road related incidents that are reported to the police.
The Index is intended to help Road Safety Officers around the country develop road safety education programmes according to the specific needs of their local community.
The information provided can be used as a basis for discussion with children, parents, schools, residents, local authorities and local road safety officers to help further improve the safety of local roads.
For more information contact:
Contact Road Safety Analysis for more information