Organisation: TRL & Transport Scotland
Date uploaded: 29th July 2013
Date published/launched: December 2010
The aim of this document is to promote road safety on the school journey by raising awareness, identifying responsibilities and providing recommendations for how casualty risk on the school journey can be reduced.

The intention of the guide is to provide a comprehensive document setting out the current legislative position, outlining current policy, good practice procedures and case studies in the field of school transport safety as well as reflecting the work undertaken in partnership with local authorities.
This guide has been prepared by TRL for Transport Scotland and SCOTS. It is primarily for use by Scottish local authorities; however, it may be of use to anyone who has an interest in or responsibility for the provision of school transport, including transport operators.
The guide presents information on casualty risk on the school journey in Scotland; responsibilities and legal obligations for the provision of school transport; and 10 ways that local authorities and others can reduce risk and improve the safety of pupils when travelling to and from school.
Local authorities are welcome to share this guide with others responsible for school transport safety in their area.
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