Compendium of Key Statistics for the Driver and Vehicle Agency 2012/13

Organisation: Department for Infrastructure (NI)
Date uploaded: 14th June 2013
Date published/launched: May 2013

This is a compendium report providing information on the Testing, Licensing and Enforcement / Compliance activities of the Driver and Vehicle Agency. The report also contains performance over previous years.

This statistical publication marks the second such publication issued on behalf of
the Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA). It presents a summary of the key business volumes and activities performed by the DVA during 2012/13, together with comparable data for the previous four financial years.

Key results

• Applications Received:
-DVA received 1,018,569 applications for vehicle tests during 2012/13, a decrease of 0.3% from the previous year, and 15.0% up on the volumes received in 2008/09.

• Test Appointments Provided:
-The 1,013,343 test appointments provided by DVA, which include Full Tests, Retests and those where the customer failed to attend (FTA), marked an decrease of just below 1% from 2011/12.

• Pass Rates:
-The overall pass rate for full vehicle tests during 2012/13 stood at 78.5%. Across
the larger volume test categories, pass rates ranged from 93.1% for motorcycles to 70.0% for HGVs.

• Theory Testing Pass Rates:
-During 2012/13 the theory test pass rate varied by category, from a high of 83.9% for PCV Hazard Perception to a low of 58.7% for Private Cars. The pass rate for Private Car tests has steadily declined, from 66.1% in 2008/09 to 58.7% in 2012/13.

For more information contact:
DOE Northern Ireland enquiries

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