Organisation: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Road Safety Partnership
Date uploaded: 3rd June 2013
Date published/launched: May 2013
The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Road Safety Partnership (CPRSP) developed this campaign to persuade powered two wheeler riders to take additional training in order to enhance their skills and keep them safer on the roads.

The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Road Safety Partnership (CPRSP) developed this campaign to persuade powered two wheeler (P2W) riders to take additional training in order to enhance their skills and keep them safer on the roads.
‘TWIST’ (That’s why I should Think!) encourages riders to think about further training and equip themselves with additional knowledge and skill to avoid being in a collision.
TWIST takes a novel and tongue-in-cheek approach to what is a very serious issue; the main element of the campaign is an animation running on YouTube and the TWIST website.
The campaign was developed following consultation with riders, including the Motorcycle Action Group, and is based on casualty data.
‘TWIST’ will run throughout summer 2013 and into the latter part of the year and training courses are being set up for both motorcycle and scooter riders.
For more information contact:
David Frost
T: 07450 415 291