Pedestrian safety factsheets

Organisation: Road Safety GB
Date uploaded: 15th May 2013
Date published/launched: May 2013

These two factsheets were prepared by Road Safety GB to provide background information and data relevant to the second UN Global Road Safety Week (6-13 May 2013)

These two factsheets were prepared by Road Safety GB to provide background information and data relevant to the second UN Global Road Safety Week (6-13 May 2013).

The first factsheet presents pedestrian casualty data in Great Britain for the period 2004-2011. The data shows that there has been a consistently downward trend, with the number of pedestrians being killed or injured reducing every year since 2004 until 2011 when the numbers rose – particularly the number of pedestrians killed or seriously injured which increased in 2011 by 5.4% compared to the previous year.

The second factsheet provides background information and puts forward suggestions as to how road safety stakeholders can focus their work and address the pedestrian group or groups that are most relevant in their local area.

For more information contact:
Honor Byford, vice-chair, Road Safety GB
T: 01609 532616

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  1. Is there any information to show why the downward trend turned and rose again in 2011?

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