Organisation: All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group
Date uploaded: 7th May 2013
Date published/launched: April 2013
This report on the future of cycling in Britain calls for a national cycling champion to lead a drive for 10% of all journeys in Britain to be by bike by 2025.

It argues that more of the transport budget should be spent on supporting cycling, at an initial rate of at least £10 per person per year, increasing as cycle levels increase.
The report also calls for 20mph speed limits to become standard in urban areas and lower speed limits on many rural roads. It also says that all children should be given the chance to learn the skills of road cycling, at primary and secondary school.
The report follows extensive public evidence from more than 100 individuals and organisations, including cycling organisations, the Automobile Association and a wide range of government departments and ministers.
The aim is increase cycle use from less than 2% of journeys in 2011, to 10% of all journeys in 2025, and 25% by 2050.
Other key recommendations include:
• Cycling should be considered at an earlier stage in all planning decisions, whether transport schemes or new houses or businesses.
• More use should be made of segregated cycle lanes, learning from the Dutch experience.
• Urban speed limits should generally be reduced to 20 mph.
• Just as children learn to swim at school they should learn to ride a bike.
• The Government should produce a detailed cross-departmental Cycling Action Plan, with annual progress reports.
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