Local area walking and cycling statistics: England 2011/12

Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 29th April 2013
Date published/launched: April 2013

Statistics published by the DfT on cycling rates in Britain for the year ending October 2012.

This statistical bulletin shows that during the year ending October 2012, 10% of adults in England cycled at least once per week and 3% at least five times per week.

15% of adults in England cycled at least once per month during the period October 2011 to October 2012, unchanged from the same period in the previous year.

The proportion of adults who cycle at least once per week ranges from 47% (in Cambridge) to less than 5% in a small number of areas. Rates for more frequent cycling show a similar variation across different areas.

2% of adults in England usually travel to work by bicycle, with the highest proportion being in Cambridge (18%).

As in 2010/11, the majority of areas with the highest cycling prevalence are cities or boroughs within cities. Other characteristics associated with a number of these areas are a large student population and a flat local landscape.

Of the 326 local authorities in England, there are six (2%) in which at least a fifth of adults cycle at least once per week. There are 13 authorities (4%) in which less than one in 20 adults cycle at least once per week.

For more information contact:
Faye Tuddenham
T: 020 7944 6104

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