Organisation: dbda
Date uploaded: 2nd August 2010
Date published/launched: Pre 2009
Pedestrian Skills is a classroom based resource for 4 -11 year olds and has been developed to teach road safety understanding and skills.

The original printed version has for many years been very popular with pupils and teachers alike. The topics are presented in a friendly, fun format with short text, many illustrations and interesting activities.
The new addition of the CD (re-developed in 2007), totally updated to reflect current traffic legislation and environment, has retained the strengths of the original version but has fresh illustrations, different font and layout with reorganised topics and some newly developed activities. In keeping with technology changes and concerns for the environment, this CD format can be used on individual PCs or interactive whiteboards.
Pedestrian Skills remains a primary years’ teaching resource that helps young people develop road safety skills – from the very basics to more complex topics – helping them to become safe and independent road users. Topics are presented in an entertaining and fun way, fitting across the whole primary school curriculum.
The CD is divided into six units each containing 20 downloadable worksheets covering the following subjects:
• Pedestrians
• Crossing the road
• Safer crossing places
• Rules of the road
• Hazards
• Safer journeys
These are designed for use by children of all abilities, so there is no direct indication of age groups on the actual worksheets to allow greater flexibility. However, guide age ranges are provided in the teacher’s guide.
The resource is cross curricular, tightly aligned into personal safety and citizenship (PSHE/PSE/PSD) plus literacy. It has opportunities with both the worksheets and extension activities to link directly into Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art and Design.
The Teacher’s Guide is a 56-page guide containing information on:
• Road safety
• How to use the resource
• Key messages for each section
• Aims for each worksheet
• Cross curricular extension ideas and activities for each worksheet
• Suggestions for practical follow up experience with accompanied trips out.
For more information contact:
Bill Smith
T: 0141 563 8642
<: 07889995095