Organisation: dbda
Date uploaded: 2nd August 2010
Date published/launched: Pre 2009
The a-z of Traffic Tales is aimed at 4 -7 year old children and provides a structured education programme for road safety and teaching professionals, parents and other carers such as Sure Start and Child Information centres.

There are a range of materials available within the resource, designed for use by teachers in the classroom:
•Big Book Set: containing six ‘Big Books’ for the teacher to use with groups of children, a detailed teachers’ guide and alphabet frieze.
•Cross Curricular Set: a comprehensive guide, crammed with ideas and extension work from the a-z stories, covering the further curriculum subjects of Maths, Science, Geography, History, ICT and Art and Design.
•Little Book Set: An adapted smaller version for each of the 26 stories with the Big Books. These are designed for either individual or paired reading at home or in class.
•Interactive Whiteboard CD: This exciting CD brings the 26 stories to life, for either whiteboard or computer, with a range of literacy activities. Hear the stories read (as featured in the Big Books). Also play ‘letter jumble’ game – randomly selected letters lead to matching the correct word to picture then hearing the connected road safety message.
•Work Card Set: This resource provides ready to use sentence cards, flashcards and photocopiable worksheets for the teacher and provides opportunities for parent helpers or teaching assistants to have tested, ready available material to use.
Well researched
The a-z of Traffic Tales resources were in development for more than two years. The stories, copy and content, illustrations, messages and teacher extension notes for suggested activities were all tested, trialled and amended in collaboration with teachers, advisors, health and safety professionals together with road safety professionals throughout that time, before the product was published.
In November 2005, the ‘Big Book’ resource was launched in London and supplied free to all London primary schools, funded by Transport for London (TfL). Ongoing research in 2006 led to the resource development of additional extension materials (such as the little books) to support the existing big books and were again despatched to all London primary schools, funded by TfL.
Most recent research in 2008, targeted to educational professions, has shown the a-z of Traffic Tales to be received positively by schools, and to be an excellent resource, achieving its objectives of providing a stimulus to key road safety and citizenship issues through literacy, and enabling them to actively include follow-up work within the curriculum.
Ongoing research also continues to show widespread use of the resources throughout London and the UK, with a steady stream of requests coming in for further copies of the material.
• Institute of Highways and Transportation (IHT) Award – Atkins Road Safety Award (reducing child casualties)
• IVCA Clarion Award – Strategic Communications
• Prince Michael International Road Safety Award – Education and Training
• Videographer Awards – Honourable mention, Education Category
• The a-z of Traffic tales was also short-listed for the BETT Awards November 2009
• Primary Digital Content category
For more information contact:
Bill Smith
T: 0141 563 8642
<: 07889995095