The Children’s Traffic Club

Organisation: Zinc Media
Date uploaded: 12th September 2018
Date published/launched: Pre 2009

The Children’s Traffic Club (CTC) is a progressive, persuasive multi-sensory active travel and road safety education intervention for under 5s. It can contribute to the reduction of child casualties in the UK, teach valuable life skills for when children are out and about additionally focusses on sustainable transport and health and wellbeing.Using the latest AR technology CTC’s Let’s Go pack inspires children to form and build positive habits, while influencing their life long attitude and behaviour. It develops their ability to asses risk and encourages them and their parent/carers to make safer and more active travel choices. The programme content includes 3D characters, animated moving images and interactive activities covering a variety of key learning subjects for this age group.

CTC aims to provide parents/carers and nursery practitioners alike with the tools to help young ones develop and nurture skills that will foster confidence, reassurance and evolve character traits for their future benefits when they become independent road users.

Children will have fun while learning key life skills and how, they and their wider family can make the right travel choices , they will be more active, stay safe and cause less harm to their environment. This increased knowledge and understanding of road safety issues, sustainable transport and active travel choices can in the long-term positively impact on the quality of life for all contributes to the reduction of child casualties in the UK.

The Children’s Traffic Club was first launched in the UK in 1993; it is a structured intervention scheme, engaging children under 5, their parents/carers and a range of associated professionals, in valuable road safety messages and information in fun and interactive ways – backed by research into developmental psychology, which shows that personality traits and lifelong habits can be set by the age of five.

Over 3 million children to date have successfully been through the programme. As a road safety education intervention, CTC continues to be the most researched, evaluated and monitored programme for this age group.

If you are interested to know how your Local Authority can be involved please contact Racheal Fudge on the email link below or visit the CTC website.

For more information contact:
Racheal Fudge

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