Organisation: ETSC (European Transport Safety Council)
Date uploaded: 30th June 2020
Date published/launched: June 2020

Looking at longer term trends, the report states that the EU, and its member states, will almost certainly miss their target to cut road deaths by half in the decade to 2020.
It highlights that since 2010, EU countries achieved an overall reduction in road deaths of 24%, which equates to a 2.7% annual average reduction
Meanwhile over that period, the UK* – described as one of Europe’s traditional leaders on road safety – is one of three countries where road fatalities have actually increased (by 1.1%), along with the Netherlands (3.3%) and Malta (6.7%).
However, at 29 road deaths per million inhabitants – the UK remains one of the safest European countries, behind Norway (20), Sweden (22) and Switzerland (22).
The 2020 ETSC Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) Award – which recognises a nation that has demonstrated continued progress on road safety – was awarded to Estonia, in recognition of its 22% year-on-year reduction in fatalities.
Looking forward, the ETSC says it expects a significant drop in road deaths in 2020, as a result of Covid-19 lockdown policies.
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