RAC Report on Motoring 2022

Organisation: RAC

Date of Publication: 2022

Uploaded to Knowledge Centre: 15 November 2022

Each year the RAC asks a representative sample of UK drivers for their views on a range of motoring topics, from fuel prices and the state of the nation’s roads, to electric cars and taxation, and the dangers on the roads. The findings form the Report on Motoring, which has been published every year since 1989.

The 2022 report is based on a large-scale survey of UK drivers. In total, 3,102 motorists were interviewed (i.e. those who hold a full, current UK driving licence, drive at least once a month and have a motor vehicle in their household). Responses were rim weighted to be nationally representative of UK motorists in age, gender, socio-economic groups and all UK regions.

Download the report from the RAC website:
