University of Southampton (Transport Research Group)

The Transportation Research Group (TRG) is one of the UK’s longest established and leading centres for multi-disciplinary transport teaching and research.

TRG has research links across the University of Southampton, and with other groups in the UK and overseas. Major activities have traditionally related to all aspects of the development, application and understanding of the impacts of a wide range of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), with additional fundamental research in the areas of traffic management, safety, the environment/sustainability, public transport operations, freight and goods movement, and walking and cycling.

The principal sponsoring bodies for the research have been the European Commission (EC), the Department for Transport (DfT), the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Transport for London (TfL).

Much of our past research was concentrated on aspects of traffic engineering, with emphasis on the evaluation of capacities, delays and accidents at road junctions. However, areas of study widened to include urban traffic control, bus priority systems, transportation planning, driver behaviour and rail systems. Research in recent years has concentrated on applications of ITS and on the impacts of sustainable transport policies. Results from a number of these studies have been incorporated into Government Advice Notes and Technical Memoranda as well as into computer software.


Professor John Preston
Transportation Research Group
School of Civil Engineering & the Environment
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

T: 023 8059 4660

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