Think! Norfolk is the brand name used by a partnership of agencies committed to reducing the number and severity of casualties on Norfolk’s roads.
The title makes a deliberate connection with the Government’s own Think! advertising, with the inclusion of Norfolk because it is in our County that we focus our work.
The partnership is made up of representatives from Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service, Norfolk Constabulary, East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust, Safety Camera Partnership, Highways Agency and Norfolk County Council.
The collective work of the partners provides the following:
• Re-engineering the roads and pavements to improve safety.
• Publicity campaigns to change the attitudes that lead to risk taking behaviour on the roads.
• Education and advice on how to reduce road risk
• Training to improve the skills of road users.
• Targeted enforcement.
• Effective emergency response to road traffic collisions.
The cost to the community of road traffic casualties is very high, along with the pain and suffering experienced by families who lose someone. Calculations based on information provided by the Department for Transport indicate the annual cost of road crashes in Norfolk is approximately £155 million, based on the costs to the emergency services, health service, loss of income and crash damage. Research has established that in over 90% of crashes on the road the major cause was human error
Our work is determined by a commitment to make Norfolk safer and we adopted the Government targets set out in the national Road Safety Strategy.