The North East Regional Road Safety Resource (hereby referred to as the ‘Resource’) is based at Gateshead Council and provides information and data analysis to support Road Safety education, training and publicity in the North East of England.
The Resource was originally set up and funded under the Department for Transport’s (DfT) road safety grant scheme on 1 April 2007. Under the scheme, the Resource’s life span was set at two years, and after this time the DfT funding element ceased. Over this initial two year period the Resource’s main aim was to support data led education, training and publicity (ETP) campaigns by identifying and targeting issues of concern, facilitating programme planning, and supplying information to inform the ETP. This was primarily done at a regional level, working with groups such as Road Safety GB North East and the North East Road Safety Forum. The success of the Resource over its first two years was rewarded with continued funding from three road safety organisations within the region: The Northumbria Safer Roads Initiative, Durham County Council, and the Cleveland Strategic Road Safety Group.
The Resource is now designed to meet the demand in the North East for improved analysis of road collision and casualty statistics to support ETP activities with a region-wide focus. This supports the aims of the Resource’s stakeholders and is intended to enhance the stakeholders’ roles of activity coordination and information sharing, and provide added value through a single focus for the analysis of road safety information at a regional level. It thereby supports best practice and continued improvement across the North East.
The Resource continues to have a wide range of regional stakeholders, including all twelve North East Local Authorities, the three North East Police Forces, the Fire and Rescue Services, Academics and Road Safety Professionals. Staff from the Resource provide information for and attend various regional and local meetings, including meetings of Road Safety GB North East, to discuss and share information with user groups.
Peter Slater
Data Analyst
North East Regional Road Safety Resource
Development and Enterprise,
Gateshead Council,
Civic Centre,
Regent Street,
Phone: 0191 433 3165
E-Mail: peterslater@gateshead.gov.uk