One of Northern Constabulary’s main strategic priorities is to provide safer roads with reduced deaths, injury and crime.
Northern Constabulary has adopted and supports the The Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland’s Scottish Road Policing Framework 2009 – 2012 which is based on the five pillars of Education, Enforcement, Engineering, Encouragement and Evaluation. Action is taken on specific areas of national importance including children, young drivers, rural roads, drink/drug driving, seat belt compliance, the use of mobile telephones and the impact on our communities by speeding motorists.
The vision of the Framework – Making Scotlands Roads Safer – will be delivered by targeted action to;
• Reduce the number of persons injured on our roads
• Deny criminals the use of our roads
• Reduce antisocial use of our roads
• Enhance reassurance by patrolling our roads
• Tackle the threat of terrorism
Northern Constabulary works closely with its partner agencies in road safety to deliver sustainable solutions to reduce the number of casualties on our roads. The Northern Safety Camera Partnership is operated by Northern Constabulary on behalf of the partner organisations.
John Hier
Road Policing
The Bridaig
T: 01349869570