LP Driver Training will work with you to solve your fleet training problems by offering you quality fleet driver training with exceptional value for money.
Your company will benefit from our fleet and advanced driver training programmes. By providing continued professional development for your drivers you will help them to stay safe and productive, reduce your fleet running costs and maintain and enhance your professional reputation. Benefit from the savings you can make by introducing eco driving which will save you fuel, vehicle wear and tear and reduce your fleet’s carbon footprint.
Fleet Driver Training is becoming increasingly more important to companies that require their employees to drive as part of their work.
As high as a third of all road traffic accidents have been estimated to have involved somebody who is at work at the time. This could account for over 20 fatalities and 250 serious injuries every week. A work related road accident can have a serious impact on a company for many reasons.
Health and safety law requires employers and the self-employed to ensure so far as reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare of all employees and to safeguard others who may be put at risk from their work activities. This includes when they are undertaking work-related driving activities.
The aim of our fleet driver training programmes is to reduce the risk of drivers being involved in an accident and to ensure fleet drivers adopt a safe driving attitude whilst being aware of issues such as wear and tear, fuel economy and environmental considerations.
We would be happy to discuss with you the best fleet driver training package for your company’s particular requirements. Call now for further details or to discuss how we can reduce the driver related risk for your company.
We provide fleet driver training for businesses throughout the UK.
Liz PurchaseFleet Registered Coach17 Walsingham CourtUpper ChaddlewoodPlympton, PlymouthPL7 2WNT: 01752300150E: purchase.j@gmail.comW: http://www.lpdrivertraining.co.uk/