Road safety in Leicester is priority for the city council. Road safety education can provide child pedestrian and cycle training within the school setting. We can also provide sessions looking at all aspects of road safety, from wearing seat-belts to speed.
Leicester City Council is involved in the following road safety campaigns:
Safer Driving Techniques
• We look at greener and safer driving techniques, helping drivers to save money by driving more economically. By doing that, it also produces a safer driver.
School Travel Plan
• A Travel Plan looks at how the children travel to school. By helping schools to write a Travel plan, we can help you make the environment outside the school safer for everyone.
To-go No-go Website
• ‘To-go & No-go’ are two award winning characters created for the Road Safety Team at Leicester City Council to help bring the safety message to the children of Leicester.
David Poxon
Road Safety Education & School Travel Team Leader
Leicester City Council
York House, 4th Floor, 91 Granby Street
T: 01162292566