Middlesbrough Council’s Road Safety and Traffic Management Group manages transport in the borough in its role as the Highway Authority. The group provides a range of services including implementation of the council’s transport policies and investment programs set out in the Local Transport Plan (LTP).
This includes:
• Traffic management of the council’s roads, including the design and implementation of improvements.
• Reducing the number and severity of injury accidents and casualties from road traffic accidents.
•Education, training and publicity for road safety and the provision of school crossing patrols.
• Promotion of and support for all types of public transport services.
• Partnership working with other organisations to address transport integration with land use, and with policies for health, education, and wealth creation.
• Policy delivery and advice, in representing the Council on transportation matters at national, regional and local levels.
Rob Farnham
Principal Road Safety Officer
Vancouver House
Gurney Street
T: 01642 728188
E: rob.farnham@middlesbrough.gov.uk