London Borough of Hillingdon

The London Borough of Hillingdon is a vibrant west outer London borough with a character of all its own.

It is home to 250,700 people (ONS, 2007), representing a vast range of cultures and nationalities. Its 42 square miles makes it London’s second largest borough. Within its borders lie historic woodland, waterways and farmland; classic tree lined suburban streets; shopping centres and urban communities.

Hillingdon contributes greatly to the economic success of the capital,yet it remains one of London’s greenest boroughs. It is home to Heathrow Airport in the south of the borough and Brunel University in Uxbridge.

Our aim is to provide high quality road safety services to our community to reduce road causalities. This will focus on Engineering, Education and Enforcement measures directed at Hillingdon’s casualty trends and concerns brought to our attention by residents.

To achieve our objectives in reducing casualties we will;

• Meet or exceed the casualty reduction targets set by the London Borough of Hillingdon, the Mayor of London and the Department for Transport for 2010.

• Address road safety concerns raised by residents to increase confidence to travel on our roads.

• Carry out pre-school safety programmes to help children recognise road dangers and stay safe on the road.

• Develop primary and secondary school children’s skills, knowledge, attitude and behaviour to avoid taking undue risks on the road.

• Provide cycle training, available to children and adults.

• Make school children’s routes to school safer, by supporting school travel plans with road safety infrastructure and training.

• Carry out effective road user safety campaigns.

• Have an effective younger driver and motorcycle education and training programme to influence young road users and change dangerous behaviour.

• Support measures aimed at reducing occupational road risk for business users.

• Identify the most vulnerable sections of our community involved in road accidents and develop targeted programmes to reduce these casualties.

• Identify accident hot spots with input from residents and other partners and implement schemes to reduce casualty numbers and severity.

The Road Safety Team comprises 5 posts that has a range of skills to provide a comprehensive service of education training and publicity for it’s residents. The structure of the team is outlined below:

Principal Road Safety Officer
Senior Road Safety Officer
2 Road Safety Officers
Road Safety Officer Assistant


Ken Smithson
Principal Road Safety Officer
London Borough of Hillingdon
4W/05 Civic Centre
Uxbridge, Middlesex

T: 01895 556336

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