Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council’s commitment to service in the community means that we are continually striving to improve our service to you.
Our road safety unit covers the following road issues:
• Cycling – information and advice and cycling proficiency
• Pavements – maintenance, obstructions, personal injury and stolen slabs
• Roads – flooding (drains and gullies), maintenance and speed limits
• Cameras
• Walking To School
• Dangerous road junctions
• Driver training
• Pedestrian crossings
• Speed humps
• Spillages
• Traffic Schemes
Jill Harper
Road Safety Officer
Ty Keir Hardie, Riverside Court
Avenue de Clichy
Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 8XF
T: 01685 726286
E: jill.harper@merthyr.gov.uk