Medway Council

Medway Council is a unitary council responsible for providing services, including education and social services, in Rochester, Strood, Chatham, Gillingham, Rainham, the nearby rural areas and the Hoo Peninsula.

Safer Journeys
The Safer Journeys Team aims to raise awareness of all road users about how to travel around Medway in the safest, healthiest and most environmentally friendly way.

This ranges from promoting the benefits of leaving your car at home for improved access around schools to offering guidance on how you can use roads more safely. We aim to help reduce the severity and frequency of road accidents and have the following case studies to offer:

• Our Walking Bus successes.
• The award-winning Theatre in Education event, Licence to Kill.
• Working in partnership with the Coroner’s Court.
• Adopting Bikeability (all levels) – although please note as of June 2010 we passed this remit over to another team.
• Junior Road Safety Officers
• Our Roman Soldier Road Safety Mascot & Educator – aimed at raising road safety awareness among Years 3 and 4, in a classroom-based lesson. It incorporates a visit from a Roman soldier who explains how roads have evolved and why we have the road safety that we do on modern roads.
• Engage Your Brain – a campaign created by an agency called ‘England’, which uses an attention-grabbing satrical commercial, that provoked various reviews.


Su Negus
Principal Road Safety Officer
Dock Road

T: 01634 331710

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