Road Safety is a major national concern. The current road safety strategy involves a multifaceted approach such as enforcement of laws in relation to speeding, alcohol levels and seat belt wearing, hard hitting publicity through television advertising on these issues and education/information campaigns in primary and secondary schools.
Local Authorities in general, and Mayo County Council in particular, have a major role to play in road safety. In addition to safer roads being provided through road improvement and restoration schemes, the Council has completed a number of accident reduction schemes and traffic calming schemes in recent years.
One of the vital services provided by the Roads Section of the Council in the area of road safety is winter maintenance. Principally, this involves precautionary salting of roads when frost is expected and clearing the roads of snow in times of significant snowfall. This is a task carried out by a dedicated workforce in, by definition, severe conditions and usually in unsociable hours. The management of winter maintenance is now helped by modern technology. For example, the duty Engineer consults, at intervals through the night, thermal maps being produced by MET Éireann and, in conjunction with assessing other parameters, can direct field operatives to the vulnerable road sites.
Mayo County Council is also involved with the Garda Siochana and the Western Health Board in the County Sligo Road Safety Working Group.
The Mayo County Council provide advice and information on the following road safety topics:
• Road Safety Information
• Anti Drink Driving Campaign
• Safe Cross Code
• Safety Tips for the Older Pedestrian
• How to use a Pelican Crossing
• Motorway Driving
Noel Gibbons (RSO)
Roads Section
Second Floor
Mayo County Council
Aras an Chontae
The Mall
T: 00 353 94 902 4444