Hampshire County Council is a top performing authority, rated as ‘four star’ through the CPA process by government. Our ambition is to keep it that way, while we continually improve our performance in the interests of the communities we serve.
Looking after Hampshire, our job is to ensure the county is safe and secure and to work towards enhancing the County’s quality of place. Looking out for our residents, we want to work with them to feel safe and secure and maximise their wellbeing. Our aim is to lead and work in partnership with other organisations to remove barriers and improve choices whilst encouraging people to make their own decisions on the way they access services.
Hampshire is a large county in terms of both population and area and this can hide important differences between communities and locations. One Hampshire district (Hart) is classed as the least deprived in England, while there are three wards in the district of Havant containing pockets of deprivation that are amongst the 10% most deprived in the country. However, district and even ward level analysis is not sufficient to understand the needs of the county. Over 40% of disadvantaged children come from outside deprived areas.
Road Safety Team
Hampshire County Council
Capital House
SO23 7BH
T: 01962 846100
E: road.safety@hants.gov.uk