The Five Themes that the partnership is concentrating on are:
• Young Drivers
• Motorcyclists
• Speed Reduction
• Work-related Road Safety
• Migrant Road Users
Whilst some road safety subjects (such as ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’ or Cycle Training) can be delivered successfully by local councils as part of their ‘mainstream’ programmes, these five themes are best tackled by a Partnership approach because they require the involvement of more than one Agency.
These themes were selected after analysing the available data for people killed or seriously injured in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. For detailed local casualty data, please refer to the Joint Casualty Data Report, which is published on the Cambridgeshire County Council website.
As far as possible, our activities are aligned with national road safety publicity run by the Department for Transport (DfT) Think! campaign, and the TISPOL Police enforcement calendar.
Matt Deacon
Partnership Coordinator