Durham Constabulary

Durham Constabulary is responsible for policing County Durham and Darlington, covering an area of 860 square miles with a population of 610,000 people. Police headquarters are at Aykley Heads, Durham, and there are police stations throughout County Durham and Darlington.

Durham Constabulary officers deal with breaches in motoring legislation using discretion. They have guidelines and Force policy to assist them, however they decide upon how they will deal with each specific offence, taking into account the circumstances surrounding it.

They identify and deal with offences, conscious of the potentially serious consequences of allowing motorists to break regulations that are designed to improve road safety for everyone.

However at different times of the year our Traffic Officers pay particular attention to certain types of offence, we call these ‘campaigns’. That is not to say that they do not deal with these offences throughout the year, nor that they are not vigilant toward all types of offence during each campaign.

The theme of each campaign has a direct link towards making the roads safer for all, with the ultimate aim of reducing casualties.


Phil Hill, Sgt1297
Casualty Reduction
Police HQ.
T: 0191 3752388
E: philip.hill@durham.pnn.police.uk

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