Dublin City

Dublin City Council is the largest local authority in Ireland and has a staff of 6,500 that manage a range of services that the City provides for its citizens. The City is governed by Dublin City Council and is presided over by the Lord Mayor of Dublin who is elected from selection by elected members of the City Council for a period of one year.

The administrative area of the City covers a physical area of 11,761 hectares. The Roads and Traffic Department in the council maintains on an annual basis approx 1,200 kilometres of roadway including 650 sets of traffic signals, over 200 km of cycle lanes and 200 School Warden (crossing patrols) who manage safe crossings for children going to and from school. It has a resident population of just over 500,000 and an annual budget of approx. €900 million. www.dublincity.ie

Dublin City faces enormous challenges in the area of mobility within a transport framework due to the substantial increase in demand for travel and the movement of goods within the City. The City road network is largely finite and the historic street pattern does not lend itself to significant expansion. The City Council is committed to optimising the use of the road network to try and provide for the needs of all road users including persons with disabilities. Measures such as enhanced mobility and accessibility is a key priority for the City. www.dublin.ie

The Council adopted the first Road Safety Plan in the country in 1998 with the objective of improving road user behaviour and reducing road collisions in the City Council area. The collision reduction targets set in that Plan were all met by a very significant margin. Overall between 1998 and 2007, there was a 51% reduction in fatal and serious collisions and a 64% reduction in minor collisions in the City Council area.


Michael Byrne
Road Safety Services Manager
Dublin City, Road and Traffic Department
Wood Quay
Dublin 8, Ireland

T: 00 353 1 222 2504
E: michael.byrne@dublincity.ie

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