Dorset is a predominantly rural authority and among the smallest counties in England in terms of population. It has the largest elderly population of all shire counties; the lowest pre-school age proportion and one of the smallest proportions of school age children. It has no motorways and more than half the road network is unclassified D roads.
Almost 60% of Dorset’s KSI’s occur on the rural network, as do almost 75% of fatals. More than three quarters of KSI’s are car occupants or TWMV users. Just 3% of Dorset’s KSI’s are children (0-15).
We can offer three areas of “expertise” to colleagues.
1. Targeted mass Enforcement and Publicity Programmes. “No Excuse” project as an example
2. Older Driver Theory and Practical programmes
3. School Crossing Patrol service management We have one of the most efficient SCP management services in the country with more than 99.9% of all SCP duties staffed. We can offer advice to colleagues on various aspects of SCP service management.
Tony Burden
Road Safety Manager
Economic Growth and Infrastructure
Dorset Council
County Hall
Colliton Park
T: 01305 224165
E: tony.burden@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk