Blackburn with Darwen

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council’s Casualty Reduction Team is responsible for the implementation of education, training and publicity on all aspects of road safety, for all members of the community. It is our aim is to reduce casualties throughout the Borough by working with partner organisations and the community using a holistic approach rather than tackling the issues in isolation. This approach has had a fundamental effect on casualty reductions in the borough.

Blackburn with Darwen is located in East Lancashire with a population of 140,000. 25.5% of the estimated population are children aged 15 and under and 22.1% are of ethnic origin. Blackburn is a very compact town, with a dense housing pattern at its core, enabling many journeys to be made on foot.

There is low car ownership within the Borough, 33.5% of residents do not own a vehicle, this forces people to use either public transport or to walk, making them more vulnerable to traffic and roads they encounter on their journeys. All these factors contribute to the high levels of multiple deprivations within the Borough and historically, raised levels of road casualties, particularly road traffic incidents involving children.

The CRT has developed a number of innovative projects that target specific problems.

The files below give details of various projects the CRT has undertaken, further information can be provided by contacting Claire Waterhouse.


Claire Waterhouse
Casualty Reduction Manager
Blackburn wih Darwen
Castleway House, 17 Preston New Road
Blackburn, Lancashire

T: 01254 273496

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