A unitary authority formed in April 2009 after the abolition of Bedfordshire County Council. Bedford Borough Council is committed to working with its communities and partners to improve local quality of life. Working together with our partners as part of the Bedford Borough Partnership, we are determined to make the Borough a better place to live, work and visit.
Road crashes happen to others, or so we think. But the majority of crashes are caused by human error. Whether walking, cycling, riding or driving in today’s traffic conditions concentration, awareness of what’s happening around us and the ability to deal with it are crucial.
In the UK, over 2,200 people die each year on the roads, tens of thousands are seriously injured and hundreds of thousands are otherwise hurt.
The Road Traffic Act 1988 places a statutory responsibility for road safety on local authorities. The Act requires local authorities to prepare and carry out a programme of measures designed to promote road safety and enable a contribution to be made towards the cost of promoting road safety measures, The areas that the Road Risk Advisory Team are here to deal with are the following:
• Education
• Training
• Publicity
The Road Risk Advisory Team are responsible for raising awareness of road safety issues by use of the following initiatives:
• The provision of pre-school play boxes
• Educational programmes in schools
• Facilitating Bikeability cycle training
• Powered 2 wheel training and advice
• Pre Driver / Driver training and advice
• In-car safety (Seatbelts/Child Seats/Mobile phones/Fatigue)
• At Work Road Risk advice
• Horse rider advice
• Developing bespoke projects and campaigns to meet specific needs as they are identified
• Working with partners to maximise investment in both delivery of training and in raising awareness of road safety issues
• Distributing publicity materials and supporting activity for government and other agencies campaigns
Andrew McGrorey
Senior Road Risk Advisor
Borough Hall
Cauldwell Street
MK42 9AP
T: 01234 228142
E: andrew.mcgrorey@bedford.gov.uk