National Travel Survey 2022

Organisation: Department for Transport (DfT)

Date of Publication: August 2023

Uploaded to Knowledge Centre: 12 September 2023

The National Travel Survey provides details of personal travel in Great Britain by residents of England, including: how and why people travel, driving licences and vehicle ownership.

The National Travel Survey 2022 results showed:

  • People in England made 862 trips on average in 2022, about 17 trips per week
  • This was an increase of 14% on 2021 and a decrease of 10% on 2019
  • There were increases in trip rates among all transport modes in 2022 compared to 2021, apart from cycling and London Underground trips which remained at a similar level
  • Walking trips increased in 2022 to 267 trips per person, this was 7% higher than in 2019
  • Trip rates for buses (in and outside London) saw an increase, but remained below pre-pandemic (2019) levels
  • The 5,373 miles people travelled on average in 2022 was 24% higher than in 2021, and a decrease of 17% compared to 2019
  • On average people spent 324 hours travelling in 2022, around 53 minutes a day
  • On average people spent 24 minutes per cycling trip, 21 minutes per car driver trip and 18 minutes per walking trip.

Access the survey via the website: