Inequalities in Road Safety in London

Organisation: Transport for London

Date of Publication: April 2023

Uploaded to Knowledge Centre: 26 April 2023

This report on inequalities on the road network shows that deprivation, gender, age and mode of transport all have a significant impact on the risk faced by road users.   

The report finds that in London the more deprived the area, the higher the risk that someone travelling in that area will be seriously injured or killed in a road traffic collision, with the 30% most deprived postcodes having more than double the number of casualties per kilometre compared with the least deprived 30%.  

The same is also true for people living in London’s more deprived areas who are travelling across London as a whole.  

The 16-30 years age group has the highest casualty risk across all modes of travel and all deprivation levels.

Men and boys were found to have a higher risk of death and serious injury in road collisions than women and girls with a baseline risk of 0.53 per 1,000 population compared to 0.22. 

Men living in the most deprived postcodes are nearly three times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in road collisions than women living in the same areas.

Click on the link below to access the full report: