Older Driver Interventions

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    Tanya Fosdick

    We are working to understand the existing interventions being delivered in the UK on older drivers. Please could you share links (or email me) with the details of your interventions? We’re looking at activities which cover self-assessment, training, and support with driver cessation. Thanks!

    Martin Evans

    I am an Observer for Bristol Advanced Motorists (part of IAM RoadSmart) and occasionally we are contacted by older drivers for a driving assessment. We usually pass these enquiries to IAM RoadSmart HQ who will allocate an IAM RoadSmart examiner to the driver and conduct a driving assessment of about 1 hour and provide feedback.
    We also do full IAM RoadSmart Advanced Driving courses for drivers of any age – we recently had someone who was 82 and passed the Advanced Test (after several drives with an Observer) with an excellent result.

    Julie Freeman

    Herefordshire residents aged 70+ are offered a 2 hour driving refresher using their own car. The cost is subsidised by the Council, drivers pay £10. An eyesight and vehicle check is carried out by the ADI prior to the session, content is flexible to drivers requirements. Drivers receive a written assessment with feedback and follow up advice. This is the link to more information.

    Sarah Collins

    Hi Tanya, the new standardised on road assessment is based on our original delivery, excitingly, as you are aware this is being evaluated by a team in the New Year. We also deliver various workshops if you would like to contact me for more information.

    Karen Dobson

    Hi Tanya,
    Derbyshire County Council offers free classroom sessions for older drivers. They are 90 mins long, predominantly online and cover topics such as eyesight, hazard perception and driving assessments.
    We have also recently launched our driving assessments for experienced drivers. These are heavily subsidised with a cost to participants of £20. This scheme hasn’t been launched to the public yet, but we have done a soft launch with those who have attended our classroom sessions in the last year.

    Karen Delaney

    Hi Tanya,
    Safer Roads Greater Manchester offers free classroom and driver assessments for anyone over 60+. If someone got in touch that was younger we wouldn’t refuse them. Courses are in person and the classroom session runs for approx 3 hours and the ADI’s check the drivers eyesight before the do the practical part of the session. More information here – https://tfgm.com/drivesafe/safer-driving-for-longer-course

    Caroline Churchouse


    We offer drivers over 70 in Essex a free ‘Driving with Confidence’ practical coaching session with a trainer, which is bespoke to the needs of the driver.

    The idea behind the initiative is to keep older people driving safely, for longer.

    We’ve delivered around 250 courses and a session was recently filmed for the BBC One Show with Angela Rippon. We accepted this media opportunity after being approached following a BBC Essex radio interview. The One Show is likely to be aired before Christmas and we hope it’ll attract more older drivers to take up the course.

    For more information on the course visit Mature drivers.

    Andy Burnell

    Hi Tanya,

    Norfolk County Council offers the Guidance for older drivers (GOLD) programme (https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/39726). This one-hour, on-road session is conducted by an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) and uses the participant’s own car. Drivers can focus on specific routes or procedures they wish to address. After the session, they receive a written report with feedback and advice. We are also developing an Older Driver Workshop for 2025 and planning to launch an older driver campaign in Spring 2025.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by admin.
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