Hi Emily, I assume you are talking about Bikeability here? We pay our instructors on a ‘per head trained’ basis for 10 hours at L1&2 or 3 hours at L3, and use most of the grant this way. We have charged schools a nominal top-up fee for some years to cover admin & materials. It certainly doesn’t cover all central staff costs! This increases annually in line with inflation & will be £5.45 from Sept. Most schools pass cost on to parents. All payments go through a central council online system run by our traded services team. We don’t run many holiday sessions, but charge parents/carers £10 per head due to increased admin & to encourage attendance. We also charge for scooter training in schools. We worked out approx staff and travel costs across the county, based on max numbers per day/cohort allowing for some to be more cost effective than others, depending on large suburban schools close to County Hall, compared to small rural ones, and settled on £5 (also now £5.45) per head which schools have been generally happy to pay – some use PE funding. Sessions are an hour for each child/group. We try to make it very clear to schools & parents that, although the Bikeability & scooter charges may look the same, one is very heavily subsidised by Gov! We don’t currently charge for pedestrian training, but that is still an option for the future.