<div id="first-passage">
For the ultimate experience, use headphones.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BpHyFt4UKk0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The door closes behind you and your siblings.
You only have to walk to the supermarket, grab the shopping, and walk back. How hard can it be right?
Turning around, you examine your street. There are 44 houses on Shattleton Lane. All pretty similar and boring looking.
Mrs Shaftoe lives at number 18. Today, she is making use of the sunshine, and is seeing to the weeds that have started to grow in between her patio slabs.
**Maybe you should smile or wave to Mrs Shaftoe?**
[[Wave to Mrs Shaftoe -> next]]
[[Smile at Mrs Shaftoe -> next]]
Mrs Shaftoe smiles, and waves at the three of you.
You, your brother and sister start to walk towards the end of the street. You're the sensible one in the family. Andy is already starting to slow down, as he becomes more and more scared of the junction you'll have to cross as you exit your estate. Amber, as always, is rushing ahead.
You're about to pass Number 2, the end house on your street, when Dr Bahil sticks his head out of the front door.
*"Good morning kids, off to do the shopping are we?"* Dr Bahil asks, nodding towards the shopping bag swinging around Amber's wrist.
[[You all nod and smile.]]
*"Andy, my boy, how's that toe getting on?"*
*"Oh, it's absolutely fine now, Dr Bahil, turns out you were right and it was just purple Sharpie and not a deadly disease!"*
Dr Bahil giggles before waving you off and going back inside.
*"You really do overthink everything, Andy. It's embarassing!"* Amber screeches towards your brother, before rushing off ahead towards the traffic lights.
**Do you think you should try and stop Amber?**
[[Call Amber back -> traffic lights 1]]
[[Laugh at Andy, and run to catch up with Amber -> traffic lights 2]]
[[Ignore your siblings -> traffic lights 3]]
Amber ignores you.
The traffic lights are up ahead, and the bright supermarket building just across the road.
There is one set of traffic lights, leading to an island in the middle of the road, and then another set, before crossing the final road.
You used to find this complicated. But now, you know what you're doing.
You watch ahead as Amber runs towards the first set of traffic lights.
Andy is by your side, reciting what Mum told you before leaving the house.
[["Stop, look all around and listen before crossing the road!"]]
You smile as you look towards him, but that smile doesn't last long. Andy gasps and points towards your sister.
Looking up, you see Amber, approaching the traffic lights, still running. It seems as though she's going to try and run across the road, without pressing the button or waiting for the green man.
**You have to act fast, what do you think is the right thing to do?**
[[Shout for Amber to stop -> amber stops]]
[[Run to join Amber, there's no cars coming -> motobike]]
That was a close one!
You stopped Amber just in time, at that moment a motorbike comes speeding round the corner and crosses in front of Amber.
It's a good job you know you should always wait for the green man!
Amber rolls her eyes. *"Urgh, you're so boring"* she moans, *"who cares about waiting anyway? I have to get back to pack for my sleepover"*
**Is it time to teach your sibling about safe crossings?**
[[Tell Amber about the Green Cross Code -> green man 1]]
[[Ignore Amber, she has to learn for herself! -> green man]]
As you run to catch up with Amber, your heart is racing.
You both run across the road without looking, or even waiting for the green man.
You're nearly across, when there's a loud [[BEEP]]
A motorbike! Thankfully the driver saw you both with enough time to stop. If he hadn't of seen you, it could have been super dangerous. Also, if he was going any faster he would not have been able to stop in time.
You wave a hand of apology towards the driver, who is shaking his head.
*"You two need to be careful! I dread to think what could have happened if I hadn't of seen you! Make sure to look all around before crossing the road!"* He calls out.
Amber shuffles her feet, embarrassed. You know you should have followed the correct procedure of waiting for the green man, even if the road seems clear!
[[Take a moment to reflect on your actions]]
Back at the first set of traffic lights, you notice your brother, Andy, crying, while you have made it to the island.
You left him alone, so you could run across the road with Amber.
**Now, what?**
[[Wait for Andy to cross the road -> island]]
[[Press the button to go back across the road and collect Andy -> island 2]]
*"Come on, Andy!"* You wave for Andy to join you and Amber on the island as the green man is lit.
*"That was really stupid of you both! That motorbike was so close to hitting you, and that would have been so scary!"* Andy sniffles, wiping away his remaining tears.
The three of you stand on the island, and the second part of the busy road lies in wait ahead of you.
**Now, what?**
[[Press the button and wait for the green man -> sains]]
[[Risk it and run across the road quickly -> oops]]
Taking Andy's hand, you lead him across the road.
*"Thank you,"* he whispers, wiping away his remaining tears.
The three of you stand on the island, facing the second part of the busy road.
**What now?**
[[Press the button and wait for the green man -> sains]]
[[Risk it and run across the road quickly -> oops]]
Pressing the button, the three of you wait for the green man, then make sure it's safe before crossing onto the island.
The second part of the road lies ahead.
**Now, what?**
[[Repeat the process to safely cross the road -> sains]]
[[Risk it and run across the road quickly -> oops]]
Phew. You have made it across the road and the supermarket is right in front of you. You breathe a sigh of relief and [[enter ->Untitled Passage 1]] through the doors with your siblings.
Perhaps you've forgotten all about the Green Cross Code.
Now, remember **always wait for the green man, look all around and listen carefully before safely crossing the road! Even if there are no cars around, always wait for the green man!**
[[Let's try again! -> safe]] [[Press the button and wait for the green man, making sure it's safe before crossing the road -> sains]]
Receipt in hand, the three of you haul the shopping bags out of the exit.
You decide to take the scenic route home and walk through the park, until there's just one zebra crossing that stands between you and Shattleton lane.
A sudden gust of wind catches you and your siblings by surprise and the receipt flies out of your hand!
[[Oh no!]]
Before you can stop him, Andy lets go of your hand and runs to catch the receipt!
It lands in the middle of the road ahead..a very busy road!
[[Stop Andy before he runs out into the road!-> receipt]]
Quick! Make a split second decision!
You have (set: $counter to 20)(css: "color: red; font-size: 150%")[|amount>[$counter]](live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "times up")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]] seconds left!
**Do you...**
[[Wait until the road seems clear and collect the receipt yourself, as Mum told you it was important! -> no]]
[[Leave it! -> yay]]
Your safety is priority! It isn't safe to cross the road where the receipt is. You are far more important than the receipt. Forget about it, Mum will understand.
[[Re-think that one! -> yay]]
You take Andy by the hand.
*"Don't worry Andy, Mum won't mind! Our safety is the most important thing!"* you say, reassuring your brother.
[[Walk towards the Zebra crossing]]
The black and white markings of the zebra crossing and the Belisha beacons on top of the black and white striped pole signal a safer place to cross.
Laughing mischieviously, Amber turns and walks backwards across the zebra crossing without looking for motorists.
**How should you react?**
[[Laugh at Amber and run to join her -> unsafe]]
[[Shout to stop Amber, grab her and Andy's hands and cross safely, carrying out the Green Cross Code checks -> safee]]
Just because you see Amber do something dangerous, doesn't mean you should copy her. You and you sister could both be in danger if you don't carry out the Green Cross Code checks properly!
[[Let's try again, and this time, choose the safer option! ->Walk towards the Zebra crossing]]
Finally, the three of you turn onto Shattleton lane, and you can see Mum sunbathing on your front patio at the end of the street.
After following the Green Cross Code, as well as putting up with your nightmare siblings, you are safely back on home territory.
Mrs Shaftoe smiles and waves, holding up the weeds she has successfully uprooted from between her patio slabs.
[[Smile and wave to Mrs Shaftoe]]
Congratulations, you have successfully made it to the end of our Safer Crossing interactive, decision-making game!
You have successfully learnt to make all the right decisions to ensure you, and your siblings are safe as they find their way across busy roads.
[[What's next?]]
Amber giggles, pointing towards Andy who is now all alone.
The traffic lights are up ahead, and the bright supermarket building just across the road.
There are one set of traffic lights, which lead to an island in the middle of the road, and then another set, before crossing the final road.
You used to find this complicated. But now, you know what you're doing.
You watch ahead as Amber runs towards the first set of traffic lights.
Andy is by your side, reciting what Mum told you before leaving the house.
[["Stop, look all around and listen before crossing the road!"]]
You carry on walking.
The traffic lights are up ahead, and the bright supermarket building just across the road.
There are one set of traffic lights, which lead to an island in the middle of the road, and then another set, before crossing the final road.
You used to find this complicated. But now, you know what you're doing.
You watch ahead as Amber runs towards the first set of traffic lights.
Andy is by your side, reciting what Mum told you before leaving the house.
[["Stop, look all around and listen before crossing the road!"]]
*Remember Amber, we must press the button, listen and look all around before crossing the road!*
Pressing the button, the three of you wait for the green man, and safely cross onto the island.
The second part of the road lies ahead.
**Now, what?**
[[Repeat the process to safely cross the road -> sains]]
[[Risk it and run across the road quickly -> oops]]
**Final Mission**
We would like you to write a short story detailing your journey to school (or your journey to the park, shops or cinema). Think about what risks there are and what choices you have to make. If you like you could detail the different crossings you face on your way to school E.g Zebra crossings, island crossings, etc. In addition this story should show the importance of the Green Cross Code at each crossing. Some of your decisions could be similar or even the same as the ones our characters faced today. Overall, we would like your story to show the possible road dangers someone could face when crossing roads on their way to school. Try to highlight the safest decisions to make when crossing the road. Use Google Maps to help you!
Happy Writing!
**Time's up!**
Oh dear! You ran out of time. Remember, be as alert as possible in order to stay as safe as possible.
[[Try again -> receipt]]
You and you siblings wander up and down the aisles in the supermarket,
slowly ticking off the items on the shopping list as you go.
You're sure there was something Mum told you not to forget...
[[The receipt! ]]
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wWWvucTDNQQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Mission: Get to the shops, collect the shopping and get home safely.