<div id="first-passage">
For the ultimate experience, use headphones.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/die7ypaSCBQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Mission: Make sensible and wise decisions on your car journey to the cinema
You're in the front seat putting your seatbelt on. As you're buckling up you catch your sister arguing with your brother.
*"Andy, stop trying to get in my TikTok"* Amber snaps.
*"But you have more followers than me!"* Andy whines.
They both open the car doors and begin to take their seats in the back.
*"Doesn't mean you can be in my video!"*
They never stop arguing! You try to ignore them.
Amber [[taps]] your shoulder.
*"Can you put some heavy metal on and turn the volume all the way up?"* Amber asks.
Before you can respond Andy adds, *"No I want some relaxing classical music!"*
You stare at the radio deciding which music would cause less distraction when mum is driving.
**What do you think?**
[[Play loud disruptive music]]
[[Play relaxing classical music]]
The loud music is so loud you have to cover your ears! There's no way Mum will be able to concentrate on the roads while listening to this. You quickly switch the music off.
[[Maybe we should try some more relaxing music ->Play relaxing classical music]]
You're right! Relaxing music is much less likely to cause a distraction for your Mum.
*"What a tune!"* Andy exclaims, much to Amber's annoyance.
*"This music is rubbish, put some heavy metal on!"*
*"The passenger gets to choose the music".* Mum reminds Amber.
Yet Amber doesn't want to hear it, so she starts to [[shout]].
*"THAT'S NOT FAIR!"* Amber yells. All of this yelling is sure to be a huge distraction for Mum.
You have to get Amber to stop one way or another.
**What should you do?**
[[Shout for Amber to be quiet]]
[[Calmly tell Amber to stop yelling]]
Raising your voice at Amber only makes things worse. You both end up shouting at each other and causing a huge distraction for Mum.
*"Both of you be quiet right now!"* Mum demands *"If not, I'll turn this car around and you can kiss goodbye to a trip to the cinema!"*
[[Sit in silence]]
Andy agrees, *"Yeah, calm down Amber"*.
*"Whatever!"* Amber says, sternly.
*"You all need to relax; I am trying to drive. If you kids carry on, I will turn back and go home"* Mum warns.
Her proposition is simple, and you all follow by sitting in silence.
However, the silence is short lived when Andy exclaims, *"Hey look there's a cow! I think it's trying to escape!".*
You perk up, stretching to look at the field of cows out of the [[window.]]
However, the silence is short lived when Andy exclaims, *"Hey look there's a cow! I think it's trying to escape!".*
You perk up, stretching to look at the field of cows out of the [[window.]] .
*"Where?"* Amber asks, taking her seatbelt off in an attempt to get a better look. You and Andy look at her in shock, is that a good idea? Maybe if you took your belt off you might get a better view of the cows. Although mum always says to never take your belt off when the car is moving.
**What do you think? Should you take off your seatbelt for a better look, too?**
[[Yes, I want to see the cows!]]
[[No, taking your belt off is not safe]]
Before you can take off your belt, Mum stops you in your tracks,
*"What on earth are you doing? Don't you dare take your seatbelt off! That's so dangerous!"*
[[Let's rethink that one! ->No, taking your belt off is not safe]]
You resist the temptation take off your seatbelt and instead just sit a little taller to try and get a better look. You hear a click, and notice Amber has decided to take hers [[off!]]
Amber shouts in frustration, *"I can't see them!"*.
*"Mum, Amber has taken her seatbelt off!"* Andy cries.
Mum is getting increasingly frustrated. *"Amber, that is so dangerous! Put your seatbelt on now, and stop being so reckless!"*
*"But I don't need to wear it!"* Amber [[shouts!]]
***"Amber, don't be ridiculous! Seatbelts help save lives. They are important safety features that, like air bags, help to protect a driver or passenger in a collision and minimise injuries. Those who do not wear their seatbelts while in a vehicle put themselves at greater risk of severe injury or worse!"***
Mum is right. Of course. And so you keep your belt on until the car has [[stopped.]]
Mum continues, *"Amber, put your seatbelt on, otherwise we will not be going to the cinema!"*
Finally, Amber agrees and mumbles *"fine"* as she clicks her seatbelt into its lock.
There's [[peace and quiet.]]
Suddenly, Andy gasps.
*"Mum, there's only five minutes left until the film starts! You have to drive faster!*
Looking at the time, you realise that Andy is right. You really don't want to miss the start!
**What should you do?**
[[Persuade Mum to drive faster]]
[[There's nothing you can do! Mum is the driver.]]
Mum shakes her head. *"I'm disappointed in you both! I thought you would know better than to ask the driver to drive faster! Speeding is very dangerous. If we want to be safe, I must always stick to the speed limits!"*
[[Apologise for pressuring Mum]]
You reassure Andy that there's nothing to worry about. It's better being safe than sorry, and anyway, we'll only miss the [[adverts!]]
Instead you reassure Andy that there's nothing to worry about. It's better being safe than sorry, and anyway, we'll only miss the [[adverts!]]
With the film starting in five minutes, you wonder whether there'll be time to buy some popcorn or maybe even a slushy!
Amber interrupts your thoughts, shouting at Mum.
*"Mum! Hurry up! Quickly speed up before that traffic light turns red!"*
Mum, turns towards Amber in the backseat. Furious with how she is behaving, and constantly distracting her from her driving.
In the split second that Mum has taken her eyes off the road, you notice a pedestrian walking across the road in front of the [[ car...]]
Phew! That was a close one! Mum was able to brake just in time!
Your hearts are all beating so fast.
That could have ended so badly, and all because you and your siblings created huge distractions while Mum was driving. You have truly learnt the power of the passenger.
Soon enough, Mum turns into the cinema car park and parks up. You're thankful you've arrived [[safe and sound.]]**Time's up!**
Oh dear! You ran out of time. Remember, to be as alert as possible in order to stay as safe as possible.
[[Try again -> car...]] Quick! Grab Mum's attention before there's an accident!
You have (set: $counter to 5)(css: "color: red; font-size: 150%")[|amount>[$counter]](live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "times up")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]] seconds left!
**[[MUUUUM! LOOK!!!!]]**
Congratulations, you have successfully made it to the end of our Power of the Passenger interactive, decision-making game!
You have successfully learnt to make wise decisions when it comes to being a responsible car passenger, and made it to the cinema safely!
[[What's next?]]
**Continue our story!**
A goodbye so soon? Thank you for being a part of our Pelican Radio Collective. We hope you had fun and learned a lot! You really have been an integral part of our family. But the stories are not over yet! For the last task, we would like you to create your own episode! So write a diary entry taking on the role of Mum, Amber or Andy. We want you to describe a car journey to a birthday party. The rest is up to you! Are you Andy, nervous about the journey? Are you Amber, causing safety issues in the car? Or you could step into Mum’s shoes and show how distracting it can be for a driver? Overall, we would like your diary entry to showcase the importance of road safety from the point of view of a driver or passenger.
[[Goodbyes]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ViIJFW1oGTs" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>