Organisations: Road Safety Scotland & Scottish Government
Date of Launch: January 2022
Uploaded to Knowledge Centre: 27 January 2022
This campaign urges drivers in Scotland to wear a seatbelt on every journey – on the back of a survey showing nearly one in ten ‘always drive’ without one.
Figures show 13% of those killed on Scotland’s roads over the last five years were not wearing a seatbelt.
The drivers surveyed also feel that drink-driving, drug-driving, using a phone while driving, driving while fatigued and driving aggressively are all ‘riskier’ than not wearing a seatbelt.
Passengers not wearing a seatbelt was seen as ‘risky’ by just 27% of respondents.
The new campaign has been launched by the Scottish Government and Road Safety Scotland.
Running across TV, cinema, radio, digital and outdoor channels, the campaign ad warns drivers that not wearing a seatbelt could cost them their lives – having a devastating impact on the loved ones they leave behind.
Set in a testing facility, the ad features a car with a crash test dummy – not wearing a seatbelt – in the driver’s seat.
As the car starts to drive towards a wall, the camera pans away from the impact and focuses on the effects on the driver’s family as they deal with their grief.
A crash test dummy family are seen sitting at a dinner table with an empty seat poignantly left for their lost family member as the final line appears: “It’s not just you who gets hurt. Wear a seatbelt.”
Watch the ad on the Road Safety Scotland website: