Organisation: Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety
Date uploaded: 15th April 2014
Date published/launched: March 2014
This report says that Central Government and local authorities need to dramatically step up road safety measures if levels of walking and cycling are to be increased without a rise in casualties.
The report comprises a study of expert opinion across road safety, sustainable transport and public health sectors. It concludes that while progress has been made in terms of working more closely together, much more is needed, particularly in the face of further government spending cuts.
The report says that concerns about obesity and poor air quality, the need to reduce carbon emissions and a heightened interest in cycling have boosted investment in local sustainable transport. At the same time, road safety funding cuts and reductions in the number of people killed or injured on the roads have led many local authorities to merge a reduced road safety staff with sustainable travel teams.
The report argues that road safety needs to be pursued in a broad multi-sectoral context since it cuts across public health and sustainable transport (as well as occupational health and safety) agendas. It goes on to suggest that more needs to be done to make people feel safer so that the public health agenda and the public’s aspirations for safer mobility can be fulfilled.
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