Road Safety Framework for Wales

Organisation: Welsh Assembly Government/Road Safety Wales
Date uploaded: 7th August 2013
Date published/launched: July 2013

The Road Safety Framework for Wales sets a target for a 40% reduction in the total number of people killed and seriously injured (KSI) on Welsh roads by 2020.

The Road Safety Framework for Wales sets a target for a 40% reduction in the total number of people killed and seriously injured (KSI) on Welsh roads by 2020.

The framework also includes targets for a 25% reduction in the number of motorcyclists KSI and a 40% reduction in the number of young people (16-24 yrs) KSI in the same timeframe.

The Welsh Government is using the Framework to target the most at-risk groups – motorcyclists, young drivers and vulnerable road users – and will work with partners including the police, fire and rescue service, local authorities and the third sector, to achieve the reductions.

The Welsh Government’s vision, expressed in the Framework, is “a continued reduction in the number of people killed and seriously injured on Welsh roads, with the ultimate aspiration of no fatalities”.

The Framework also includes a commitment to “understanding the links between road casualties and social deprivation, and seeking to address this”.

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